Increase Vertical Jump Height - Strength Vs Power

Every basketball player out there, whether a pro or a casual player, wants to be able to dunk! And to be able to dunk you need to be able to jump high. You need great vertical leap. Having a great vertical leap helps in other sports as well such as volleyball and soccer.

Your muscles have to be strong for you to build power. It is good to start with strengthening programs for the legs and core. To build strength, use progressive resistance. It means that when you do the exercise again, you must add weight to increase the difficulty.

A great compound exercise that works you lower body well is squats. Squats also works the upper body. Once you gain strength doing squats, you can start to build power by doing squat jumps. Squat jumps start from a squat position, From this position, jump as high as you can using your arms to propel you upwards as well. Jump as high as you can.

Once you can complete a certain number of sets and repetitions easily, you should start adding weights or increase the number of repetitions. Add resistance to make the exercise more challenging. You can hold dumbbells or use a weighted vest. Other exercises you can do includes scissor jumps and box jumps.

People don't always jump off using both legs. We also use one leg only to propel our body upwards. So it makes complete sense to train each leg individually as well. A great exercise that works each leg at a time is lunges. It builds strength. Stair climbing also does the same and the aim here is speed. As mentioned earlier, you need to add resistance as you progress.

Another exercise that you can do is sprinting. When sprinting one exert maximum power. One exerts great strength in the least time possible. Resistance can be added when doing sprints as well. You can use parachutes and resistance bands. Another method is to have someone to resist your motion. The person resists your motion for a short distance or time. After which, the person will let go and you take off.

Overall, what you need is to build strength especially your lower body and core. Then build power with the strength that you gained. Remember, progressive resistance is what you need to keep on getting better.

Increasing your vertical leap height is fast, easy and fun. Gordon West shares with you certain tips, tricks

Outdoor Play Equipment Shooting Games

Shooting games were among the first popular video game genres. Many of the early arcade and console games focused on the task of shooting attacking enemies, whether they were spaceships or potted plants. There were many things you could shoot in the early days of video games and it's a tradition that has been proudly continued throughout the long evolution of gaming. No one minds the trend, either. Shooting games are among the most popular genres of gaming and they show no signs of slowing up.

There are many complex console games with movie-like graphics and cut scenes, but for those that like their shooters to the point and without interruption, you can't beat an online shooter like Bowchief and Stickshot. There are thousands of people that rush to games like this to get their shooter game fix and there's a great reason for it: it's fun to defeat enemies. Whether you're shooting an enemy with a rock, a gun, or a bow and arrow, there's nothing quite as interesting as seeing enemies waste away to nothing thanks to your lucky shot.

As shooters continue to evolve, they remain one of the simplest, and most fun, ways to waste a few minutes during the day, or a few hours if you're in the mood.

When we were younger, almost all of us dreamed of having our own playground in our home. Going to the playground is very fun, but at the same time it's something that requires adult supervision, that requires travel and that means queuing until other children come off of the swings and climbing frames and sometimes getting into arguments as a result. Having your own playground in your garden then would mean having the whole playground to yourself or to enjoy with some friends whenever you wanted it - right out your back door and with no travel necessary. While most of us would not have been fortunate enough to have out own outdoor play equipment, it is something that you can supply your children with today, to help you to live vicariously through them, to ensure that they are over the moon with joy and to provide many of the benefits of having outdoor play equipment that will improve their health and well being too.

Skill has something to do with shooting games too. They're a game type that requires a great deal of focus and dedication to master. There's no end to the games either. You generally have to get points to feel like a winner and you never have to stop improving at a game like that. So many people love to play them that there are hundreds of games in development at any time that fall into the genre of shooters. Some of these games incorporate the elements of maneuvering and shooting, both at the same time, so that there's an extra challenge and skill level to the tasks. Shooting games have always been a part of the gaming era and they will remain so. There are so many games that fall into this genre and all of them incorporate newer and neater ways to take care of enemies with the gift of shooting range. Online games have especially been kind to shooters, which can easily be played within a browser with a quick loading time and an unlimited amount of creativity that can be incorporated into each game.